The aim of this review is to introduce the progress in trauma surgery made during war. In the 16th century, Paré reintroduced ligature of arteries, which had been introduced by Celsus and Galen, instead of cauterization during amputation. Larrey, a surgeon in Napoleon’s military, adapted the “flying artillery” to serve as “flying ambulances” for rapid transport of the wounded. He established rules for the triage of war casualties, treating wounded soldiers according to the seriousness of their injuries and the urgency of medical care. To treat fractures and tuberculosis, Thomas created the “Thomas splint”, which was used to stabilize fractured femurs and prevent infection; in World War I (WWI), use of this splint reduced the mortality of compound femur fractures from 87% to less than 8%. During WWI, Cushing systematized the treatment of head injuries, reducing mortality among head injury patients. Gillies repaired facial injuries, and his experiences became the basis of craniofacial and aesthetic surgery. In WWII, McIndoe discovered that immersion in saline promoted burn healing and improved survival rates, and thus began saline baths and early grafting instead of using tannic acid. A high mortality rate in patients with acute renal failure was noted in WWII and the Korean War. In the Korean War, Teschan used the Kolff-Brigham dialyzer. The first use of medevac with helicopters was the evacuation of three British pilot combat casualties by the US Army in Burma during WWII. As a lotus blooms in the mud, military surgeons have contributed to trauma surgery during wartime.
Fractures are common in the military population, but limited studies have investigated the incidence of fractures among Korean military personnel. Hence, this study aimed to clarify this issue.
Eligible subjects were patients who had sustained a fracture and were registered in the N-DEMIS (the medical records system of participating hospitals) from June 2017 to May 2019. Fractures were categorized according to the fracture site, patients’ age, sex, and type of duty.
In total, 23,687 patients with 23,981 fractures were included. There were 216 patients with multiple fractures, of whom 156 had fractures at two sites, 42 had fractures at three sites, and 18 had fractures at four sites. Of the 23,687 patients, 23,340 were men and 347 were women. The incidence of fractures in men and women was 12.96 per 1,000 person-years and 0.19 per 1,000 person-years, respectively. In terms of the broad location of fractures, the percentage of fractures was the highest in the hand, followed by the foot and lower leg. When the location of fractures was analyzed more specifically, the percentage of fractures was the highest in the phalanx (thumb and fingers), followed by the ankle and metacarpal bones.
Hand, foot, ankle, and wrist fractures were the most commonly encountered fractures in the Korean military population. To prevent the loss of combat power due to non-battle-related injuries, thorough preparation is necessary, including protective equipment and preliminary training for areas with a high frequency of fracture occurrence.
We accessed epidemioloy of 908 acute burns (7 years) in the military, of injuries and propose proper educational programs to suit community.
We surveyed burn demographics, circumstances of injuries, size, result of treatment.
The mean age was 20.6 years. The flame burns (FB) (325, 35.8%) were most common, followed scald (SB) (305, 33.6%), contact (CB) (219, 24.1%), electric (EB) (45, 5.0%) and chemical burns (ChB) (14, 1.5%). The more occurred during winter (29.7%). SB had mean 3.9% total body surface area (TBSA). The 251 (82.3%) had superficial burns by spillage of hot water/food on lower limbs (45.6%), feet (33.8%) in summer (34.8%), treated with simple dressing (92.8%). Morbidity rate was 5.6%; post traumatic stress disease (PTSD) (0.7%). FB had large wound (9.3% TBSA). The 209 (64.3%) had superficial burns by ignition to flammable oils (31.7%) and bomb powders (29.2%) on head/neck (60.3%), hands (58.6%) in summer (31.7%), autumn (30.2%). They underwent simple dressing (83.4%) and skin graft (16.0%). Morbidity rate was 18.8%; PTSD (10.5%), inhalation injuries (4.0%), corneal injury (3.7%), amputations (0.9%), and mortality rate (1.2%). CB had small (1.1% TBSA), deep burns (78.5%) by hotpack (80.4%) on lower limbs (80.4%). The more (59.8%) underwent skin graft. EB had 6.8% TBSA. The 29 (64.4%) had superficial burns by touching to high tension cable (71.1%) on hand (71.1%), upper limbs (24.4%) in autumn (46.8%). They underwent simple dressing (71.1%) and skin graft (24.4%). They showed high morbidity rate (40.0%); loss of consciousness (13.3%), nerve injuries (11.1%), neuropathy (8.9%), amputations (2.2%), and mortality rate (2.2%).
The cook should wear apron over the boots during work. The lighter or smoking should be strictly prohibited during work with flammable liquids or bomb powders. Don’t directly apply hotpack to skin for a long time. Use insulating glove during electric work. Keep to the basic can prevent severe injury and proper education is important.