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HOME > J Trauma Inj > Volume 30(2); 2017 > Article
Thoracoscopy in Management of Chest Trauma: Our Three-year Jeju Experience
Sung Hyun Lee, Kilsoo Yie, Jong Hyun Lee, Jae Gul Kang, Min Koo Lee, Oh Sang Kwon, Soon Ho Chon
J Trauma Inj 2017;30(2):33-40
Published online: June 30, 2017
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1Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cheju Halla Hospital, Jeju, Korea.
2Department of Trauma Surgery, Cheju Halla Hospital, Jeju, Korea.
Received: 25 April 2017   • Revised: 28 April 2017   • Accepted: 28 April 2017
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The role for minimally invasive surgery in chest trauma is vague, one that recently is more frequently performed, and one attractive option to be considered. Thoracoscopic surgery may improve morbidity, mortality, hasten recovery and shorten hospital stay.
A total of 31 patients underwent video assisted thoracoscopic surgery for the treatment of blunt and penetrating chest trauma from June 9th, 2013 to March 21st, 2016 in Jeju, South Korea.
Twenty-three patients were males and eight patients were females. Their ages ranged from 23 to 81 years. The cause of injury was due to traffic accident in 17 patients, fall down in 5 patients, bicycle accident in 2 patients, battery in 2 patients, crushing injury in 2 patients, and slip down, kicked by horse, and stab wound in one patient each. Video assisted thoracoscopic exploration was performed in the 18 patients with flail chest or greater than 3 displaced ribs. The thoracoscopic procedures done were hematoma evacuation in 13 patients, partial rib fragment excision in 9 patients, lung suture in 5 patients, bleeding control (ligation or electrocautery) in 3 patients with massive hemothorax, diaphragmatic repair in two patients, wedge resection in two patients and decortication in 1 patient. There was only one patient with conversion to open thoracotomy.
There is a broad range of procedures that can be done by thoracoscopic surgery and a painful thoracotomy incision can be avoided. Thoracoscopic surgery can be done safely and swiftly in the trauma patient.

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