Necrotingzing fasciitis, a relatively rare but often fatal disease, was observed in two parients who sustained degloving injury in car accidents. Progression of necrosis and other clinical findings suggested necrotizing fasciitis. An open biopsy of skin and fascia established the diagnosis. Histologically, the lesion was characterzed by thrombosis of vessels, micro-abscess and focal necrosis of subcutaneous tissue and fascia with spar-ing of underlying muscle tissue at early phase. The causative organisms were Priteus and Pseudomonas in one case and Streptococcus, Enterococ-cus and Acinetobacter in the other case. The first case was effectively treated by repeated debridement and the second case needed amputa-tion as well as wide debridement-Both cases needed systemic antibiotic and fluid-electrolye correction.
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