We analysed a case of birth fracture, a case of femoral shaft fracture and 2 cases of subtrochanteric fracture in a children with head trauma and other associated injuries. All of the cases we analysed were treated inadequately after injury and were treated by conservative mothod. The results were as follows: 1. A birth fracture of the femoral shaft with angulation of 45° and overriding of 1.5cm treated with hip spica cast immobilization for 10 days showed nearly complete remodeling 4 months later. 2. A 4 year old child who had fracture of femoral shaft with displacement of 2 cm showed bridging callus formation at 6 weeks after skeletal traction and nearly normal remodeling 16 months after the injury. 3. By manipulation and skeletal traction, satisafactory results were obtained in children with a case of femoral shaft fracture and 2 cases of subtrochanteric fracture which had not been treated adequatedly for 3-4 weeks after injury. 4. The coxa vara deformity occurred during the process of callus formation in a 5year old child with sub-trochanteric fracture was not corrected even 18 months after injury
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