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Case Reports
Delayed diagnosis of proximal ureter injury after a blunt abdominal trauma in Korea: a case report
Soon Ki Min, Byungchul Yu, Gil Jae Lee, Min A Lee, Yang Bin Jeon, Youngeun Park, Kang Kook Choi, Hyuk Jun Yang
J Trauma Inj. 2024;37(3):243-246.   Published online September 3, 2024
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Traumatic ureteral injuries account for fewer than 1% of traumatic urologic injuries, and those caused by blunt trauma are even rarer than those caused by penetrating trauma. The symptoms associated with ureteral injury may be subtle, with or without hematuria, making it difficult to diagnose. We report the case of a 31-year-old man with a delayed diagnosis of proximal ureter injury after abdominal blunt trauma sustained in a motorcycle traffic accident. The patient underwent emergency laparotomy on admission for liver injury, mesenteric injury, and resultant hemoperitoneum. On postoperative day 6, he underwent angioembolization for suspected remnant intra-abdominal bleeding. Persistent symptoms of flank pain and leukocytosis led to follow-up imaging studies that revealed proximal ureter injury, and the patient underwent unilateral nephrectomy. This case stresses the importance of clinical suspicion for genitourinary injuries in the presence of abdominal trauma.
Misinterpretation of a skin fold artifact as pneumothorax on the chest x-ray of a trauma patient in Korea: a case report
Yoojin Park, Eun Young Kim, Byungchul Yu, Kunwoo Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2024;37(1):86-88.   Published online February 23, 2024
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Misinterpreting radiographic findings can lead to unnecessary interventions and potential patient harm. The urgency required when responding to the compromised health of trauma patients can increase the likelihood of misinterpreting chest x-rays in critical situations. We present the case report of a trauma patient whose skin fold artifacts were mistaken for pneumothorax on a follow-up chest x-ray, resulting in unnecessary chest tube insertion. We hope to help others differentiate between skin folds and pneumothorax on the chest x-rays of trauma patients by considering factors such as location, shape, sharpness, and vascular markings.


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  • A Skinfold Imitating a Pneumothorax
    Amin Alayyan, Tarek Hammad, Salman Majeed
    Cureus.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
Original Article
Epidemiology and outcomes of patients with penetrating trauma in Incheon Metropolitan City, Korea based on National Emergency Department Information System data: a retrsopective cohort study
Youngmin Kim, Byungchul Yu, Se-Beom Jeon, Seung Hwan Lee, Jayun Cho, Jihun Gwak, Youngeun Park, Kang Kook Choi, Min A Lee, Gil Jae Lee, Jungnam Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(3):224-230.   Published online December 21, 2022
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Patients with penetrating injuries are at a high risk of mortality, and many of them require emergency surgery. Proper triage and transfer of the patient to the emergency department (ED), where immediate definitive treatment is available, is key to improving survival. This study aimed to evaluate the epidemiology and outcomes of patients with penetrating torso injuries in Incheon Metropolitan City.
Data from trauma patients between 2014 and 2018 (5 years) were extracted from the National Emergency Department Information System. In this study, patients with penetrating injuries to the torso (chest and abdomen) were selected, while those with superficial injuries were excluded.
Of 66,285 patients with penetrating trauma, 752 with injuries to the torso were enrolled in this study. In the study population, 345 patients (45.9%) were admitted to the ward or intensive care unit (ICU), 20 (2.7%) were transferred to other hospitals, and 10 (1.3%) died in the ED. Among the admitted patients, 173 (50.1%) underwent nonoperative management and 172 (49.9%) underwent operative management. There were no deaths in the nonoperative management group, but 10 patients (5.8%) died after operative management. The transferred patients showed a significantly longer time from injury to ED arrival, percentage of ICU admissions, and mortality. There were also significant differences in the percentage of operative management, ICU admissions, ED stay time, and mortality between hospitals.
Proper triage guidelines need to be implemented so that patients with torso penetrating trauma in Incheon can be transferred directly to the regional trauma center for definitive treatment.
Case Reports
Management of a trauma patient with alcohol withdrawal who developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome in Korea: a case report
Byungchul Yu, Ji Yeon Lee, Yong Beom Kim, Hee Yeon Park, Junsu Jung, Youn Yi Jo
J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(3):249-252.   Published online December 20, 2022
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Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but fatal condition, with a high mortality rate. NMS is characterized by altered mental status, fever, myoclonus, autonomic dysfunctions, and elevated creatinine phosphokinase. The clinical manifestations may be confused with alcohol-related symptoms, trauma, sepsis, postoperative agitation, or malignant hyperthermia. A 69-year-old male patient with alcohol withdrawal was admitted to the operating theatre to rule out septic shock due to mesenteric injury after multiple trauma. He was suspected NMS with abrupt increase body temperature to 41.7°C after haloperidol administration. Active cooling and rapid fluid infusion was done during anesthesia. Delayed diagnosis and treatment of NMS lead to catastrophic result. Therefore, if the patient's past medical history is unknown or clinical symptoms develop that are suggestive of NMS, early treatment must be considered.
Salvation of a solitary kidney in a patient with grade IV renal trauma: a case report
Hyuntack Shin, Ae Jin Sung, Min A Lee, Jayun Cho, Gil Jae Lee, Byungchul Yu, Kang Kook Choi
J Trauma Inj. 2022;35(Suppl 1):S18-S22.   Published online June 17, 2022
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There are many reasons for solitary kidney. Congenital causes include renal agenesis and dysplasia. Acquired causes include nephrectomy performed for reasons including traumatic kidney injury, disease (e.g., renal cell carcinoma), and donation for kidney transplantation. According to the European Association of Urology, the World Society of Emergency Surgery, and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma guidelines, it is important to preserve the remaining renal function as much as possible when a solitary kidney patient has suffered a traumatic kidney injury. The authors present a case of kidney preservation in a solitary kidney patient with a traumatic grade IV renal injury through non-operative management involving superselective renal artery angioembolization.
A case report of field amputation: the rescue of an entrapped patient through the "doctor car" system
Byungchul Yu, Gil Jae Lee, Min A Lee, Kang Kook Choi, Jihun Gwak, Youngeun Park, Yong-Cheol Yoon, Jayun Cho, Seung Hwan Lee, Jungnam Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2022;35(Suppl 1):S27-S30.   Published online June 15, 2022
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In certain circumstances, invasive procedures such as creation of a surgical airway, insertion of a chest drain, intraosseous puncture, or amputation in the field are necessary. These invasive procedures can save lives. However, emergency medical service teams cannot perform such procedures according to the law in Korea. The upper arm of a 29-year-old male patient was stuck in a huge machine and the emergency medical service team could not rescue the patient. A doctor-car team was dispatched to the scene and the team performed the filed amputation to extricate the patient. He was brought to the trauma center immediately and underwent formal above-elbow amputation. Here we describe a case of field amputation to rescue a patient through a “doctor car” system, along with a literature review.
Original Articles
Impact of obesity on the severity of trauma in patients injured in pedestrian traffic accidents
Pillsung Oh, Jin-Seong Cho, Jae Ho Jang, Jae Yeon Choi, Woo Sung Choi, Byungchul Yu
J Trauma Inj. 2022;35(4):240-247.   Published online December 8, 2021
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Studies on the relationship between obesity and injuries, especially those sustained in pedestrian traffic accidents, are lacking. We aimed to assess the effects of obesity on the severity of injury at the time of admission to the emergency room in patients who experienced pedestrian traffic accidents.
This study included trauma patients registered in the Korean Trauma Database from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, whose mechanism of injury was pedestrian traffic accidents and who were treated at a single institution. Those aged below 15 years were excluded. Patients were assigned to nonobese and obese groups based on a body mass index of 25 kg/m². An Injury Severity Score of 25 or greater was considered to indicate a critical injury.
In total, 679 cases of pedestrian traffic accidents were registered during the study period, and 543 patients were included in the final analysis. Of them, 360 patients (66.3%) and 183 patients (33.7%) were categorized as nonobese and obese, respectively. The median age was significantly higher in the nonobese group than in the obese group (60 vs. 58 years). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that the odds ratio for critical injury in obese patients was 1.59 (95% confidence interval, 1.01–2.48) compared with nonobese patients.
Obesity affected the likelihood of sustaining severe injuries in pedestrian traffic accidents. Future studies should analyze the effects of body mass index on the pattern and severity of injuries in patients with more diverse injury mechanisms using large-scale data.


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  • Pregnancy is associated with more severe injuries from motor vehicle crashes
    Ya-Hui Chang, Yu-Wen Chien, Chiung-Hsin Chang, Ping-Ling Chen, Tsung-Hsueh Lu, Chung-Yi Li
    Journal of the Formosan Medical Association.2024; 123(8): 849.     CrossRef
  • Obesity as a Risk Factor for Adverse Outcomes After Pedestrian Trauma Accidents in the Pediatric Population
    Hannah Mulvihill, Katie Roster, Nisha Lakhi
    Pediatric Emergency Care.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Changes in incidence and severity of commercial motorcycle accidents due to the use of delivery service platforms in Korea: a retrospective cohort study
    Dam Moon, Jae Ho Jang, Jin Seong Cho, Jae Yeon Choi, Jae-hyug Woo, Woo Sung Choi, Sung Yeol Hyun, Seung Hwan Lee
    Journal of Trauma and Injury.2023; 36(2): 121.     CrossRef
Management of Traumatic Pancreatic Injuries: Evaluation of 7 Years of Experience at a Single Regional Trauma Center
Min A Lee, Seung Hwan Lee, Kang Kook Choi, Youngeun Park, Gil Jae Lee, Byungchul Yu
J Trauma Inj. 2021;34(3):177-182.   Published online September 30, 2021
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Traumatic pancreatic injuries are rare, but their diagnosis and management are challenging. The aim of this study was to evaluate and report our experiences with the management of pancreatic injuries.


We identified all adult patients (age >15) with pancreatic injuries from our trauma registry over a 7-year period. Data related to patients’ demographics, diagnoses, operative information, complications, and hospital course were abstracted from the registry and medical records.


A total of 45 patients were evaluated. Most patients had blunt trauma (89%) and 21 patients (47%) had pancreatic injuries of grade 3 or higher. Twenty-eight patients (62%) underwent laparotomy and 17 (38%) received nonoperative management (NOM). The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 24% (n=11), and only one patient died after NOM (due to a severe traumatic brain injury). Twenty-two patients (79%) underwent emergency laparotomy and six (21%) underwent delayed laparotomy. A drainage procedure was performed in 12 patients (43%), and pancreatectomy was performed in 16 patients (57%) (distal pancreatectomy [DP], n=8; DP with spleen preservation, n=5; pancreaticoduodenectomy, n=2; total pancreatectomy, n=1). Fourteen (31%) pancreas-specific complications occurred, and all complications were successfully managed without surgery. Solid organ injuries (n=14) were the most common type of associated abdominal injury (Abbreviated Injury Scale ≥3).


For traumatic pancreatic injuries, an appropriate treatment method should be considered after evaluation of the accompanying injury and the patient’s hemodynamic status. NOM can be performed without mortality in appropriately selected cases.

Major Causes of Preventable Death in Trauma Patients
Youngeun Park, Gil Jae Lee, Min A Lee, Kang Kook Choi, Jihun Gwak, Sung Youl Hyun, Yang Bin Jeon, Yong-Cheol Yoon, Jungnam Lee, Byungchul Yu
J Trauma Inj. 2021;34(4):225-232.   Published online July 29, 2021
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Trauma is the top cause of death in people under 45 years of age. Deaths from severe trauma can have a negative economic impact due to the loss of people belonging to socio-economically active age groups. Therefore, efforts to reduce the mortality rate of trauma patients are essential. The purpose of this study was to investigate preventable mortality in trauma patients and to identify factors and healthcare-related challenges affecting mortality. Ultimately, these findings will help to improve the quality of trauma care.


We analyzed the deaths of 411 severe trauma patients who presented to Gachon University Gil Hospital regional trauma center in South Korea from January 2015 to December 2017, using an expert panel review.


The preventable death rate of trauma patients treated at the Gachon University Gil Hospital regional trauma center was 8.0%. Of these, definitely preventable deaths comprised 0.5% and potentially preventable deaths 7.5%. The leading cause of death in trauma patients was traumatic brain injury. Treatment errors most commonly occurred in the intensive care unit (ICU). The most frequent management error was delayed treatment of bleeding.


Most errors in the treatment of trauma patients occurred in early stages of the treatment process and in the ICU. By identifying the main causes of preventable death and errors during the course of treatment, our research will help to reduce the preventable death rate. Appropriate trauma care systems and ongoing education are also needed to reduce preventable deaths from trauma.



Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • External validation of an artificial intelligence model using clinical variables, including ICD-10 codes, for predicting in-hospital mortality among trauma patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study
    Seungseok Lee, Do Wan Kim, Na-eun Oh, Hayeon Lee, Seoyoung Park, Dong Keon Yon, Wu Seong Kang, Jinseok Lee
    Scientific Reports.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • A systematic review of emergency room laparotomy in patients with severe abdominal trauma
    Soon Tak Jeong, Yun Chul Park, Young Goun Jo, Wu Seong Kang
    Scientific Reports.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Effects of Transport to Trauma Centers on Survival Outcomes Among Severe Trauma Patients in Korea: Nationwide Age-Stratified Analysis
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    Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.2024; 96(3): 443.     CrossRef
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    Journal of the American College of Surgeons.2024; 238(4): 426.     CrossRef
  • Emergency department laparotomy for patients with severe abdominal trauma: a retrospective study at a single regional trauma center in Korea
    Yu Jin Lee, Soon Tak Jeong, Joongsuck Kim, Kwanghee Yeo, Ohsang Kwon, Kyounghwan Kim, Sung Jin Park, Jihun Gwak, Wu Seong Kang
    Journal of Trauma and Injury.2024; 37(1): 20.     CrossRef
  • Angioembolization performed by trauma surgeons for trauma patients: is it feasible in Korea? A retrospective study
    Soonseong Kwon, Kyounghwan Kim, Soon Tak Jeong, Joongsuck Kim, Kwanghee Yeo, Ohsang Kwon, Sung Jin Park, Jihun Gwak, Wu Seong Kang
    Journal of Trauma and Injury.2024; 37(1): 28.     CrossRef
  • Nomogram for predicting in-hospital mortality in trauma patients undergoing resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta: a retrospective multicenter study
    Byungchul Yu, Jayun Cho, Byung Hee Kang, Kyounghwan Kim, Dong Hun Kim, Sung Wook Chang, Pil Young Jung, Yoonjung Heo, Wu Seong Kang
    Scientific Reports.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Preventable trauma deaths in the Western Cape of South Africa: A consensus-based panel review
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  • The characteristics and clinical outcomes of trauma patients transferred by a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service in Korea: a retrospective study
    Myung Jin Jang, Woo Sung Choi, Jung Nam Lee, Won Bin Park
    Journal of Trauma and Injury.2024; 37(2): 106.     CrossRef
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    Kwanhoon Park, Geonjae Cho, Sungho Lee, Kang Yoon Lee, Ji Young Jang
    Journal of Acute Care Surgery.2023; 13(1): 13.     CrossRef
  • An Artificial Intelligence Model for Predicting Trauma Mortality Among Emergency Department Patients in South Korea: Retrospective Cohort Study
    Seungseok Lee, Wu Seong Kang, Do Wan Kim, Sang Hyun Seo, Joongsuck Kim, Soon Tak Jeong, Dong Keon Yon, Jinseok Lee
    Journal of Medical Internet Research.2023; 25: e49283.     CrossRef
  • Preventable Death Rate of Trauma Patients in a Non-Regional Trauma Center
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  • Model for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality of Physical Trauma Patients Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: Nationwide Population-Based Study in Korea
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    Journal of Medical Internet Research.2022; 24(12): e43757.     CrossRef
  • Thoracic injuries in trauma patients: epidemiology and its influence on mortality
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An Early Experience of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) in the Republic of Korea: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
Joonhyeon Park, Sung Woo Jang, Byungchul Yu, Gil Jae Lee, Sung Wook Chang, Dong Hun Kim, Ye Rim Chang, Pil Young Jung
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(3):144-152.   Published online September 30, 2020
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This retrospective multicenter study analyzed trauma patients who underwent resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) in the Republic of Korea.


This study was conducted from February 2017 to May 2018 at three regional trauma centers in the Republic of Korea. The patients were divided into two groups (cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] and No-CPR) for comparative analysis based on two criteria (complication and mortality) for logistic regression analysis (LRA).


There were significant differences between the CPR and No-CPR groups in mortality (p=0.003) and treatment administered (p=0.016). By LRA for complications, total occlusion has significantly lesser risk than intermittent or partial occlusion in both univariate (odds ratio [OR] 0.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.00-0.36, p=0.01) and multivariate (OR 0.05, 95% CI 0.00-0.38, p=0.01) analyses. The Rescue had a higher risk than the Coda or Reliant in univariate analysis (OR 4.91, 95% CI 1.14-34.25, p=0.05); however, it was not statistically significant in multivariate analysis (OR 6.98, 95% CI 1.03-74.52, p=0.07). By LRA for mortality, the CPR group was the only variable that had a significantly higher risk of mortality than the No-CPR group in both univariate (OR 17.59, 95% CI 3.05-335.25, p=0.01), and multivariate (OR 24.92, 95% CI 3.77-520.51, p=0.01) analyses.


This study was conducted in the early stages of REBOA implementation in the Republic of Korea and showed conflicting results from studies conducted by multiple institutions. Therefore, additional research with more accumulated data is needed.



Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Complications associated with the use of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA): an updated review
    Marcelo Augusto Fontenelle Ribeiro Junior, Salman M Salman, Sally M Al-Qaraghuli, Farah Makki, Riham A Abu Affan, Shahin Reza Mohseni, Megan Brenner
    Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open.2024; 9(1): e001267.     CrossRef
  • Contemporary Utilization and Outcomes of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta for Traumatic Noncompressible Torso Hemorrhage in Korea: A Retrospective Multi-Center Study
    Yoonjung Heo, Sung Wook Chang, Byungchul Yu, Byung Hee Kang, Pil Young Jung, Kyounghwan Kim, Dong Hun Kim
    Journal of Acute Care Surgery.2024; 14(1): 16.     CrossRef
  • On the Feasibility of Using REBOA Technology for the Treatment of Patients with Polytrauma
    A. I. Zhukov, N. N. Zadneprovsky, P. A. Ivanov, L. S. Kokov
    Russian Sklifosovsky Journal "Emergency Medical Ca.2024; 13(1): 14.     CrossRef
  • The meaning and principles of damage control surgery
    Gil Jae Lee
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2024; 67(12): 732.     CrossRef
  • Editor's Choice – Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Lower Extremity Vascular Complications after Arterial Access for Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA): An Inevitable Concern?
    Megan Power Foley, Stewart R. Walsh, Nathalie Doolan, Paul Vulliamy, Morgan McMonagle, Christopher Aylwin
    European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surg.2023; 66(1): 103.     CrossRef
  • Early experience with resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta for unstable pelvic fractures in the Republic of Korea: a multi-institutional study
    Dong Hun Kim, Jonghwan Moon, Sung Wook Chang, Byung Hee Kang
    European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery.2023; 49(6): 2495.     CrossRef
  • Comparison between external fixation and pelvic binder in patients with pelvic fracture and haemodynamic instability who underwent various haemostatic procedures
    Ji Young Jang, Keum Soek Bae, Byung Hee Kang, Gil Jae Lee
    Scientific Reports.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
Case Series of Zone III Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Traumatic Shock Patients
Byungchul Yu, Gil Jae Lee, Kang Kook Choi, Min A Lee, Jihun Gwak, Youngeun Park, Jung Nam Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(3):162-169.   Published online September 30, 2020
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There is increasing evidence in the literature regarding resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) globally, but few cases have been reported in Korea. We aimed to describe our experience of successful Zone III REBOA and to discuss its algorithm, techniques, and related complications.


We reviewed consecutive cases who survived from hypovolemic shock after Zone III REBOA placement for 4 years. We reviewed patients’ baseline characteristics, physiological status, procedural data, and outcomes.


REBOA was performed in 44 patients during the study period, including 10 patients (22.7%) who underwent Zone III REBOA, of whom seven (70%) survived. Only one patient was injured by a penetrating mechanism and survived after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. All patients underwent interventions to stop bleeding immediately after REBOA placement.


This case series suggests that Zone III REBOA is a safe and feasible procedure that could be applied to traumatic shock patients with normal FAST findings who receive a chest X-ray examination at the initial resuscitation.



Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • On the Feasibility of Using REBOA Technology for the Treatment of Patients with Polytrauma
    A. I. Zhukov, N. N. Zadneprovsky, P. A. Ivanov, L. S. Kokov
    Russian Sklifosovsky Journal "Emergency Medical Ca.2024; 13(1): 14.     CrossRef
Special Article
Part 2. Clinical Practice Guideline for Trauma Team Composition and Trauma Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation from the Korean Society of Traumatology
Oh Hyun Kim, Seung Je Go, Oh Sang Kwon, Chan-Yong Park, Byungchul Yu, Sung Wook Chang, Pil Young Jung, Gil Jae Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(2):63-73.   Published online June 30, 2020
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  • 3 Citations


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • External validation of an artificial intelligence model using clinical variables, including ICD-10 codes, for predicting in-hospital mortality among trauma patients: a multicenter retrospective cohort study
    Seungseok Lee, Do Wan Kim, Na-eun Oh, Hayeon Lee, Seoyoung Park, Dong Keon Yon, Wu Seong Kang, Jinseok Lee
    Scientific Reports.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Variations in Trauma Education Practices Across Emergency Medicine Residencies: Insights from a National Survey of Program Directors
    Stephanie Stroever, Colten Lanning, Miloš Buhavac, Cameran Mecham, Andrea Weitz, Frank Frankovsky, Andres Rios, James Morris
    Advances in Medical Education and Practice.2024; Volume 15: 1059.     CrossRef
  • An Artificial Intelligence Model for Predicting Trauma Mortality Among Emergency Department Patients in South Korea: Retrospective Cohort Study
    Seungseok Lee, Wu Seong Kang, Do Wan Kim, Sang Hyun Seo, Joongsuck Kim, Soon Tak Jeong, Dong Keon Yon, Jinseok Lee
    Journal of Medical Internet Research.2023; 25: e49283.     CrossRef
Case Report
The Management of Open Pelvic Fractures: A Report of 2 Cases
Byungchul Yu, Giljae Lee, Min A Lee, Kangkook Choi, Jihun Gwak, Youngeun Park, Yong-Cheol Yoon, Jungnam Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(4):269-274.   Published online June 2, 2020
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Open pelvic fractures are rare, but pose challenges for trauma surgeons due to their high morbidity and mortality. Generally, early death results from uncontrolled exsanguination and late death is related to pelvic sepsis. Therefore, management of these injuries should prioritize hemostasis and contamination control starting in the initial phase of treatment. We report two cases of unstable open pelvic fractures with perineal wounds that were managed successfully.



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  • Open Pelvic Fractures with a Faringer I Zone Injury: a Set of 3 Case Reports Treated in 2020
    Acta chirurgiae orthopaedicae et traumatologiae Ce.2022; 89(2): 164.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Traumatic Shock Patients from the Korean Society of Traumatology
Pil Young Jung, Byungchul Yu, Chan-Yong Park, Sung Wook Chang, O Hyun Kim, Maru Kim, Junsik Kwon, Gil Jae Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(1):1-12.   Published online March 30, 2020
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Despite recent developments in the management of trauma patients in South Korea, a standardized system and guideline for trauma treatment are absent.


Five guidelines were assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II instrument.


Restrictive volume replacement must be used for patients experiencing shock from trauma until hemostasis is achieved (1B). The target systolic pressure for fluid resuscitation should be 80–90 mmHg in hypovolemic shock patients (1C). For patients with head trauma, the target pressure for fluid resuscitation should be 100–110 mmHg (2C). Isotonic crystalloid fluid is recommended for initially treating traumatic hypovolemic shock patients (1A). Hypothermia should be prevented in patients with severe trauma, and if hypothermia occurs, the body temperature should be increased without delay (1B). Acidemia must be corrected with an appropriate means of treatment for hypovolemic trauma patients (1B). When a large amount of transfusion is required for trauma patients in hypovolemic shock, a massive transfusion protocol (MTP) should be used (1B). The decision to implement MTP should be made based on hemodynamic status and initial responses to fluid resuscitation, not only the patient’s initial condition (1B). The ratio of plasma to red blood cell concentration should be at least 1:2 for trauma patients requiring massive transfusion (1B). When a trauma patient is in life-threatening hypovolemic shock, vasopressors can be administered in addition to fluids and blood products (1B). Early administration of tranexamic acid is recommended in trauma patients who are actively bleeding or at high risk of hemorrhage (1B). For hypovolemic patients with coagulopathy non-responsive to primary therapy, the use of fibrinogen concentrate, cryoprecipitate, or recombinant factor VIIa can be considered (2C).


This research presents Korea's first clinical practice guideline for patients with traumatic shock. This guideline will be revised with updated research every 5 years.



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Trauma Volume and Performance of a regional Trauma Center in Korea: Initial 5-year analysis
Byungchul Yu, Giljae Lee, Min A Lee, Kangkook Choi, Sungyoul Hyun, Yangbin Jeon, Yong-Cheol Yoon, Jungnam Lee
J Trauma Inj. 2020;33(1):31-37.   Published online March 30, 2020
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We aimed to evaluate the trauma volume and performance indicators during the first 5-year period of operation in a single regional trauma center.


We analyzed prospectively collected data from the Korean Trauma Data Bank for a single regional trauma center between January 2014 and December 2018. More than 250 variables were analyzed. We calculated the predicted survival rates using the trauma and injury severity score (TRISS) method.


In total, there were 16,103 trauma admissions during the first 5 years; trauma activation was performed in 5,105 of these cases. Over 70% of the patients were men, and most of the admitted patients were within the age groups of 55–59 years for men and 75–79 years for women. Analyses were performed considering two patient groups: the total patient group and the group of those with severe trauma (injury severity score [ISS] >15). The median ISS, revised trauma score, and TRISS of the two groups were 5 (interquartile range [IQR] 4–10), 22 (IQR 17–27), and 7.6±0.99 and 6.74±1.9, 0.95±0.13, 0.81±2.67, respectively. Of the total patient group, 801 patients (5%) died in the hospital, whereas of the group of patients with ISS >15, 526 (19.5%) died. The direct transportation of patients to the regional trauma center increased year by year. The emergency room stay time and time to entering the operating room showed a decrease until 2017; however, these parameters increased again in 2018.


The trauma volume in the regional trauma center is appropriate, and some improvements could be observed after its establishment. However, performance indicators reveal the prematurity of the trauma center and its potential for further improvements. Moreover, the development of a national trauma system, beyond regional trauma centers, is required.



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J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury