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Victor Ifeanyichukwu Modekwe 1 Article
Experience with the emergency vascular repair of upper limb arterial transection with concurrent acute compartment syndrome: two case reports
Charles Chidiebele Maduba, Ugochukwu Uzodimma Nnadozie, Victor Ifeanyichukwu Modekwe
J Trauma Inj. 2023;36(1):60-64.   Published online September 7, 2022
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Upper extremity vascular injuries occurring with acute compartment syndrome are very challenging to manage in an emergency context in resource-poor settings. The need to always recognize the likelihood of coexisting compartment syndrome guides surgeons to perform concomitant fasciotomy to ensure a better outcome. We managed three vascular injuries in the upper extremities in two patients with concomitant imminent compartment syndrome observed intraoperatively. The first injury was complete brachial artery disruption following blunt trauma, while the second and third injuries were radial and ulnar artery transection caused by sharp glass cuts. Both patients were treated with vascular repair and fasciotomy. Secondary wound coverage was applied with split-thickness skin grafting, and the outcomes were satisfactory. Concomitant fasciotomy potentially improves the outcomes of vascular repair in emergency vascular surgery and should be considered for all injuries with the potential for acute compartment syndrome.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury