- Epidemiologic Analysis of Burns in Military Hospital
Jangkyu Choi, Sejin Park, Hyun Chul Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2017;30(4):145-157. Published online December 30, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20408/jti.2017.30.4.145
We accessed epidemioloy of 908 acute burns (7 years) in the military, of injuries and propose proper educational programs to suit community.
We surveyed burn demographics, circumstances of injuries, size, result of treatment.
The mean age was 20.6 years. The flame burns (FB) (325, 35.8%) were most common, followed scald (SB) (305, 33.6%), contact (CB) (219, 24.1%), electric (EB) (45, 5.0%) and chemical burns (ChB) (14, 1.5%). The more occurred during winter (29.7%). SB had mean 3.9% total body surface area (TBSA). The 251 (82.3%) had superficial burns by spillage of hot water/food on lower limbs (45.6%), feet (33.8%) in summer (34.8%), treated with simple dressing (92.8%). Morbidity rate was 5.6%; post traumatic stress disease (PTSD) (0.7%). FB had large wound (9.3% TBSA). The 209 (64.3%) had superficial burns by ignition to flammable oils (31.7%) and bomb powders (29.2%) on head/neck (60.3%), hands (58.6%) in summer (31.7%), autumn (30.2%). They underwent simple dressing (83.4%) and skin graft (16.0%). Morbidity rate was 18.8%; PTSD (10.5%), inhalation injuries (4.0%), corneal injury (3.7%), amputations (0.9%), and mortality rate (1.2%). CB had small (1.1% TBSA), deep burns (78.5%) by hotpack (80.4%) on lower limbs (80.4%). The more (59.8%) underwent skin graft. EB had 6.8% TBSA. The 29 (64.4%) had superficial burns by touching to high tension cable (71.1%) on hand (71.1%), upper limbs (24.4%) in autumn (46.8%). They underwent simple dressing (71.1%) and skin graft (24.4%). They showed high morbidity rate (40.0%); loss of consciousness (13.3%), nerve injuries (11.1%), neuropathy (8.9%), amputations (2.2%), and mortality rate (2.2%).
The cook should wear apron over the boots during work. The lighter or smoking should be strictly prohibited during work with flammable liquids or bomb powders. Don’t directly apply hotpack to skin for a long time. Use insulating glove during electric work. Keep to the basic can prevent severe injury and proper education is important.
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