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Dae Won Kim 1 Article
Evaluation of the accuracy of mobile cone-beam computed tomography after spinal instrumentation surgery
Ki Seong Eom, Eun Sung Park, Dae Won Kim, Jong Tae Park, Kwon-Ha Yoon
J Trauma Inj. 2022;35(1):12-18.   Published online December 29, 2021
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Pedicle screw fixation provides 3-column stabilization, multidimensional control, and a higher rate of interbody fusion. Although computed tomography (CT) is recommended for the postoperative assessment of pedicle screw fixation, its use is limited due to the radiation exposure dose. The purpose of this preliminary retrospective study was to assess the clinical usefulness of low-dose mobile cone-beam CT (CBCT) for the postoperative evaluation of pedicle screw fixation. Methods: The author retrospectively reviewed postoperative mobile CBCT images of 15 patients who underwent posterior pedicle screw fixation for spinal disease from November 2019 to April 2020. Pedicle screw placement was assessed for breaches of the bony structures. The breaches were graded based on the Heary classification. Results: The patients included 11 men and four women, and their mean age was 66±12 years. Of the 122 pedicle screws, 34 (27.9%) were inserted in the thoracic segment (from T7 to T12), 82 (67.2%) in the lumbar segment (from L1 to L5), and six (4.9%) in the first sacral segment. Although there were metal-related artifacts, the image of the screw position (according to Heary classification) after surgery could be assessed using mobile CBCT at all levels (T7–S1). Conclusions: Mobile CBCT was accurate in determining the location and integrity of the pedicle screw and identifying the surrounding bony structures. In the postoperative setting, mobile CBCT can be used as a primary modality for assessing the accuracy of pedicle screw fixation and detecting postoperative complications.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury