- Dental Prosthesis Causing Pneumonia in a Delirious Elderly Patient after Hip Fracture Surgery
Young Kyun Lee, Yong Chan Ha, Kyung Hoi Koo
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2012;25(3):97-100.
- We report a case of delayed diagnosed pneumonia due to an aspirated metallic crown, which had been detached from a molar tooth. Dental prosthesis should be checked and a careful review of the chest radiograph is mandatory when an elderly patient with delirium after hip fracture surgery develops pneumonia postoperatively.
- A Hip 14 Years after a Non-surgiclly-treated Pipkin Type-II Fracture of the Femoral Head: A Case Report
Young Kyun Lee, Yong Chan Ha, Kyung Hoi Koo
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2012;25(1):25-27.
- A 30-year-old, male truck driver had a traffic accident and visited a hospital due to left hip pain. The patient's femoral head was fractured, and he was treated conservatively. For 14 years afterwards, he walked without a limp, had no pain, and drove his truck. He was involved in another traffic accident and experienced a comminuted fracture of the left distal femur 14 years after the initial injury. Although he was symptom-free, while being treated by open reduction and internal fixation for the distal femur fracture, he was concerned about the status of his left femoral head. Pelvis radiographs and reconstructed CT images were done, and they showed a spur change around the femoral head which had a dense sclerotic band within and revealed a slight depression of subchondral bone of the medial portion of the femoral head. The diagnosis was a Pipkin type-II fracture of the femoral head.