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Wook Whan Kim 1 Article
Use of a Postoperative Hepatic Arterial Embolization in Patients with Postoperative Bleeding due to Severe Hepatic Injuries
Soo Hyun Cha, Yong Sik Jung, Jae Hwan Won, Wook Whan Kim, Hee Jung Wang, Myung Wook Kim, Kug Jong Lee
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2006;19(1):59-66.
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Acute liver failure after massive partial hepatectomy is critical condition with high mortality. To prevent postoperative liver failure from being induced by a massive partial hepatectomy, many doctors do a minimal resection on the single lobe of the liver that might cause postoperative bleeding from the remaining ruptured parenchyma. The objective of this study was to assess clinical experience with postoperative hepatic arterial embolization to control bleeding from the remaining ruptured liver during the postoperative period.
This retrospective 4-year study was conducted from May 2002 to April 2006 and included consecutive patients who had sustained massive hepatic injuries and who had undergone a laparotomy, followed by postoperative hepatic arterial angiographic embolization to control bleeding. Data on the injury characteristics, the operative treatment and embolization, and the amount of transfused packed red cells (PRBC) were gathered and analyzed. In addition, data on the overall complications and survival rate were collected and analyzed.
Every case showed severe liver injury, higher liver injury scaling grade IV. Only ten cases involved a ruptured bilateral liver lobe. A lobectomy was done in 6 cases, a left lobectomy was done in 3 cases, and a primary suture closure of the liver was done in 2 cases. Suture closure was also done on the remaining ruptured liver parenchyma in cases of lobectomies. The postoperative hepatic arterial embolizations were done by using the super-selection technique. There were some cases of arterio-venous malformations and anomalous vessel branches. The average amount of transfused PRBC during 24 hours after embolization was 2.36+/-1.75, which statistically significantly lower than that before embolization. Among the 11 cases, 9 patients survived, and 2 died. There was no specific complications induced by the embolization.
In cases of postoperative bleeding in severe hepatic injury, if there is still a large amount of bleeding, postoperative hepatic arterial embolization might be a good therapeutic option.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury