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So Hyun Nam 2 Articles
Tetanus Developing after a Traumatic Rectal Rupture: A Case Report
Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sung Jin Park, So Hyun Nam, Woon Won Kim, Yong Han Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2013;26(3):214-217.
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Tetanus is a neurologic disorder caused by a tetanospasmin released from Clostridium tetani and usually occurs as a result of a dirty open wound or abrasion. Post traumatic tetanus is a life threatening disease and has a mortality rate of 15~39%. Because of a nationwide active immunization program, tetanus is a rare disease in Korea. Thus, many physicians have little experience with its diagnosis and management, and misdiagnosis and therapeutic delay may have catastrophic consequences. We report a case of tetanus that developed in a patient who had been diagnosed with a traumatic rectal rupture.
Treatment of Ongoing Bleeding after a Damage Control Laparotomy for a Pelvic Bone Fracture: Arterial Embolization: A Case Report
Ki Hoon Kim, Kyu Hyouk Kyung, Jin Su Kim, Sung Jin Park, So Hyun Nam, Woon Won Kim, Yong Han Kim
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2011;24(2):159-163.
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Massive bleeding due to traumatic pelvic bone fracture is a leading cause of death. Thus, several methods to control bleeding have been attempted, but none of these has yet been clearly established. After an automobile accident, a 34-year-old motorist was admitted to the Emergency Department for right hip,leg and abdominal pain. Because the patient's pressure remained consistently low and pelvic bone fracture and abdominal bleeding were found on radiologic examination, an explorative laparotomy was performed. After pelvic packing and bleeding control, bleeding still continued, so Angiography was performed, and arterial embolization for bleeding was performed.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury