- Effect on Trauma Patients of Having Even One General Trauma Surgeon on Duty
Jang Whan Jo, Jun Min Cho, Nam Ryeol Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2016;29(1):8-13. Published online March 31, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20408/jti.2016.29.1.8
Specialized general trauma surgeons play an important role in the care of trauma patients. Hemoperitoneum is a severe, but representative, condition following a life-threatened trauma. The objective of this study was to compare the outcomes for polytrauma patients with hemoperitoneum between the periods during which a trauma surgeon was available and that unavailable. METHODS Thirty-one trauma patients with hemoperitoneum who were treated at Korea University Guro Hospital over a period of 4 years were included in this study, and their case records were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups, the 2011 and 2012 group and the 2013 and 2014 group corresponding, respectively, to the periods that a trauma surgeon was not and was working. Vital signs on admission, scores on the injury severity scale and, Glasgow coma scale, elapsed time to diagnostic, and therapeutic, and/or operative interventions were studied. The effects on intensive care unit and hospital lengths of stay, as well as mortality, were also studied. RESULTS The study population consisted of 16 and 15 patients in group 1 and 2, respectively. The patients in both groups had six unstable hemodynamic on admission. The time to the main procedure (intervention, operation etc.) was longer during the periods when a trauma surgeon was not working than it was during the period when working. This difference did not reached statistical significance. The mortality rates for the two groups were not statistically different either (18.75% vs 26.67%; p=0.928). CONCLUSION Having at least one specialized general trauma surgeon on duty may reduce the time to intervention and surgery for severe trauma patients with hemoperitoneum, but appears to have no effect on the mortality rates. In conclusion, having only one trauma surgeon on duty does not improve the quality of care for trauma patients.
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- Significance of orthopedic trauma specialists in trauma centers in Korea
Yong-Cheol Yoon, Chang-Wug Oh, Jong-Keon Oh Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery.2019; 139(10): 1379. CrossRef
- Anatomic Conformity of New Periarticular Locking Plates for Koreans: A Biomechanical Cadaveric Study
Yong Cheol Yoon, Jong Keon Oh, Young Woo Kim, Hak Jun Kim, Hong Joo Moon, Nam Ryeol Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2013;26(3):163-169.
This study was conducted to confirm the anatomic conformity of the new periarticular locking plates designed by Zimmer on Korean adult bones and to identify the structures at risk during the application of these implants. METHODS The study was performed on the humerus, radius, and tibia of 10 adult cadavers(6 males and 4 females) procured from the cadaveric lab of our hospital. Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral X-rays were taken to confirm that the cadavers were free of any unusual lesions or anatomic variations. We used the 3.5-mm proximal humerus plate, 2.7-mm distal radius plate, 3.5- and 5.0-mm proximal tibia plates, and 3.5-mm distal tibia plate developed by Zimmer, Inc. (Zimmer periarticular locking plate). The longest plate from each group was used to confirm anatomical conformity. Standard approaches were used for each area, and soft tissue was retracted in order to pass the plate beneath the muscle. The position of the plate was confirmed using standard AP and lateral view X-rays. After this procedure had been completed, the region was dissected along the length of the implant to determine the conformity of the implant to bone and the penetrations of screws into the articular surface or violations of any vital structures, such as nerves, blood vessels, or tendons. RESULTS Excellent anatomical conformity was observed with Zimmer periarticular locking plates for Korean adults. The tibial nerve and the posterior tibial artery were found to be structures at risk when applying a distal tibial plate. CONCLUSION Additional posterolateral fixation is recommended when dealing with cases of tibial plateau fracture when the fracture line extends to the posterolateral cortex. We recommend taking proper views using 10~15 degrees of internal rotation to ensure correct screw length and, thus, avoid penetration of vital structures and tendons.