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Jin Soo Kim 2 Articles
Tetanus Developing after a Traumatic Rectal Rupture: A Case Report
Jin Soo Kim, Ki Hoon Kim, Sung Jin Park, So Hyun Nam, Woon Won Kim, Yong Han Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2013;26(3):214-217.
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Tetanus is a neurologic disorder caused by a tetanospasmin released from Clostridium tetani and usually occurs as a result of a dirty open wound or abrasion. Post traumatic tetanus is a life threatening disease and has a mortality rate of 15~39%. Because of a nationwide active immunization program, tetanus is a rare disease in Korea. Thus, many physicians have little experience with its diagnosis and management, and misdiagnosis and therapeutic delay may have catastrophic consequences. We report a case of tetanus that developed in a patient who had been diagnosed with a traumatic rectal rupture.
Serious Bleeding Complication Due to the Use of Low-molecular-weight heparin to treat a Traumatic Patient with Acute Renal Failure
Kyu Hyouck Kyoung, Woon Won Kim, Sung Jin Park, Ki Hoon Kim, Jin Soo Kim, Jong Kwon Park
J Korean Soc Traumatol. 2011;24(2):164-167.
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Trauma is an important risk factor for a pulmonary thromboembolism, and anticoagulation is essential to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with trauma. Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is excreted in the kidney; therefore, using LMWH in patients with renal insufficiency may increase the risk of bleeding complication. The following case describes a 55-year-old traffic accident victim who had massive bleeding and underwent a laparotomy for bleeding control. The patient had acute renal failure, and enoxaparin was administered for the prophylaxis of DVT. Although the patient suffered from serious complications such as pericardial hematoma, the patient recovered without sequellae and was discharged at day 84.

J Trauma Inj : Journal of Trauma and Injury