- Traumatic Asphyxia due to Blunt Chest Trauma with External Auditory Canal Bleeding
Je Ho Lee, Kyu Hyouck Kyoung, Jeong Won Kim, Hui Jun Yang, Eun Seog Hong
J Trauma Inj. 2013;26(4):297-299.
- Traumatic asphyxia, also called 'Perthes syndrome', is characterized by subconjunctival hemorrhage, cervicofacialpetechiae and cyanosis resulting from venous hypertension caused by an abrupt, severe, compressive force to the thoracoabdominal region. A 37-year-old male patient who was transferred to the emergency room due to chest trauma by overturning of a forkcrane. His head, neck, and shoulders showed severe ecchymosis, and his upper chest was cyanotic. There was bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhage and bilateral ear bleeding without tympanic rupture. Perthes syndrome is a rare condition and we treated a patient with typical and atypical symptoms; thus we report this case of Perthes syndrome.