- Extensive Blunt Hepatic Injury due to Cross-over Traffic Accident: A Case Report of Conservative Management
In Seok Jang, Sung Hwan Kim, Jung Eun Lee, Jong Woo Kim, Jun Young Choi, Il Woo Shin, Hyun Ok Kim
J Trauma Inj. 2014;27(3):84-88.
- The severity of blunt hepatic injury correlates with internal organ damage. We experienced a patient, who had an extensive crushed liver injury. The patient was a 28-year-old man, who was involved in a traffic accident in which a wheel ran over his right upper abdomen. A grade V severe hepatic laceration was diagnosed with computed tomography. His vital signs were stable, so we could wait for times with conservative management. Bile leakage led to biloma and bile spillage into the peritoneal space. Selective percutaneous drainage was needed to control the several biloma. After four months of conservative management, could the patient was discharged in good condition.